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Sunday, January 19th. Embrace the Canadian Winter, amazing EASY SnowShoeing / Hiking Adventure Bus Day Trip!
January 19, 2020 @ 8:25 am - 6:00 pm
Who's Attending
7 people are attending Sunday, January 19th. Embrace the Canadian Winter, amazing EASY SnowShoeing / Hiking Adventure Bus Day Trip!
The only way to enjoy Canada is to EMBRACE THE WINTER!
Dress warm and explore what winter time in Canada has to offer.
amazing, Winter Intro to EASY Guided Hiking / SnowShoeing in the enchanted Copeland Forest !
Great for beginners and those who simply enjoy being social & active in Canada’s outdoors
Get out and enjoy the Canadian winter this season by joining us on one of our beginner Intro to Snowshoeing Copeland Forest Adventure Bus Day Trips!
Description: Hop aboard our Adventure Bus at and sit back and relax as we take you northbound to the Copeland Forest, right in Ontario’s SnowBelt where snow is always deep and plentiful! Once we arrive, our experienced guides will set you up with a pair of our Canadian made quality Snowshoes. Then we begin your beginners Snowshoeing lesson that goes over everything from the different parts of a snowshoe, to how to put them on, correctly, Snowshoe walking / hiking maneuver and much more! After our easy lesson we embark on our 2.5 – 3 hour guided Snowshoe walk / hike along the scenic snowy trails of our Intro to Snowshoeing Copeland Forest location! A Great way to exercise, have fun, meet new people and get outside this Winter!
Breakfast & Lunch: Pack yourself Breakfast and Lunch or grab one at the ONRoute (http://onroute.ca/barrie/) which is the highway washroom/food centre. We stop for washroom & food break on the way up and on the way back. We usually recommend eating a light breakfast on the way up and a heavier lunch on the way back in order to avoid indigestion while exercising.
Difficulty Level: Beginner but fun for all!
Where – 3 Pick-up / Drop-off Locations:
- Keele TTC Subway Station 8:25am. The Bus picks you up right in-front of the main entrance to the Keele TTC Subway Station. Parking available two blocks east of Keele St. off Bloor St.
- York Mills TTC Subway Station 8:55am. The Bus picks you up on York Mills Road, just east of Yonge Street, in-front of the StarBucks. Parking available on the North / West Corner Yonge St. & York Mills / Wilson.
- Carpool Parking lot at Hwy. 400 and Hwy 9 at 9:35am.
What’s Included:
- Transport to and from the event
- Snowshoe Rental is included
- 30 Minute Beginner Snowshoeing Lesson
- 2.5 – 3 Hour Guided Snowshoe walk / hike through the scenic Copeland Forest
- Campfire break of Hot Chocolate & a Light Snack
- Our experienced TA Guides to help you every step of the way!
– Ages 8 and older. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by an adult or legal guardian.
– All times are approximations, the scheduled times can change without warning due to weather, traffic, abominable snowmen and many other unforeseen factors.
When participating in any Outdoor Activity it’s important to Dress Appropriately and this is especially true for Winter Adventures!
How to Dress Warm: Buy purchasing yourself proper winter clothing, it will enable you to partake in outdoor winter activities for years to come while staying comfortable, warm and dry. Stores that carry such clothing our: MEC, SALE, Canadian Tire, Marks Work Warehouse, and many more outdoor stores.
We’ve listed below some of our Top Tips for Dressing Right for Winter Adventure:
- Dress in layers so that you can easily add or remove layers throughout the trip to regulate your temperature as needed.
- Bring more layers that you think you’ll need, you can always remove them during the trip.
- water resistant / warm Winter Jacket.
- Nylon or Winter Snow Pants.
- Comfortable, loose fitting pants, they even sell insulated pants
- Long underwear, an easy replacement for long underwear is flannel PJ pants.
- Long sleeve undershirt
- a warm outer layer shirt
- warm, WOOL socks, why wool, because wool is warm, even when wet.
- Winter Boots. Not dress-up boots but WINTER BOOTS.
- Warm Mittens or Gloves ( mittens are warmer than gloves, plus your fingers will have some friends to play with)
- Warm Wool Hat. If it is extremely cold you can get a hat that even covers your face, great for robbing banks.
- Scarf. A long wool scarf can make you extra warm.
- Bring a pair of shades… Yes, it’s even brighter in the winter!
- You know yourself best, if you get cold easily bring extra layers.
- We will be exercising so you will most likely get quite warm out there… Don’t forget to remove layers before you get too hot!
- Ladies, no yoga pants, unless they are being used a your under layer and topped with warm pants or snow pants.
- Guys, no running shoes. We are tired of watching you freeze.
Imagine what winter will be like when you have all these winter cloths to enable you to enjoy winter fun !
Our Bus: ” Click Here “
Terms & Conditions: ” Click Here “
PHOTO CONTEST on every Adventure Bus trip you can WIN Adventure Bus Gift Cards:
- $10 Gift Card for Ted’s favourite Pic
- $5 Gift Card for Ted’s honourable mentions
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